Are you tired of the traditional sales pitch, the pressure to buy, and sales tactics?

Do you need to pay down debt or start an education fund? Maybe you need a strategy for taxes, retirement or estate planning before you buy more products/investments or decide on the next steps.

​Are you stressed, frustrated or embarrassed that the usual money advice is not working?

You have tried everything they say, yet you're still confused about how everyone else has it all figured out. Maybe you think differently and plan differently and need an experienced, open-minded consultant. 

When you work with Parallax Planning, we break your finances into three easy steps.

Step 1 -  Lay it all out.
We are going to take a big-picture look at your finances. Looking at every asset and liability that
you have. We can’t create your plan if we don’t have the whole picture. For that reason, our
plans are customized based on your situation, regardless of where you are and where you are heading.

Step 2 - Implement a Strategy.
We start by tracking where your money is going, where it's invested, and where it needs to be directed. Then, we give you an immediate action strategy so you can start implementing it today, not in six months or never like other plans.

Step 3 - Create a Financial Plan.
With a strategy in place, you will start to see some wins. Once we can get things shifted, we will
build a long-term plan based on accountability, action and tracking so you're confident in your financial future.

Whether you need help selecting from our services or are interested in getting started, we invite you to get in touch today.

What would be possible if you were free of money stress? 
What would be possible if you never had to worry about your family's financial future?​

For many years, when clients came to Jodie if they did not need to buy products, it prevented her from helping because products are how advisors get paid.

So now - we coach and give advice without any products.

If free opinions and advice worked, you wouldn’t still be looking for answers....